While The Missouri Expatriate will likely refer to & link to other news outlets' stories for various commentaries, it will on occasion feature original reports and personal updates from its creator and (to date) sole contributor, Kyle Hill. With this in mind, the following policy is henceforth established for rebroadcast or republication of items from The Missouri Expatriate:
1. Default policy
Unless otherwise stated in an individual entry, this policy applies to all entries made in The Missouri Expatriate.
2. Terrestrial rebroadcast rights
Original audio files posted on The Missouri Expatriate, which are hosted on a separate server, may be rebroadcast on any terrestrial radio or television station, either in whole or in part, PROVIDED that the following is fulfilled:
a) credit must be given to "The Missouri Expatriate blog" or its author, Kyle Hill
b) notice is submitted, either by commenting on the blog entry or sending an e-mail to kyle at hillonline dot net, indicating your call letters/station identification, Web site address, etc.
c) if an entire clip is used, or a significant segment, please provide at the end the blog's URL address, http://missouriexpat.blogspot.com/
3. Tangible republication rights
Entries on The Missouri Expatriate may be republished in any tangible print publication (newspaper, magazine, etc.) PROVIDED that the following is fulfilled:
a) credit must be given to "The Missouri Expatriate blog" or its author, Kyle Hill
b) notice is submitted, either by commenting on the blog entry or sending an e-mail to kyle at hillonline dot net, indicating your publication and Web site address
c) if an entire entry is used, or a significant segment, please provide at the end the blog's URL address, http://missouriexpat.blogspot.com/
4. Online rebroadcast/republication/reposting rights
Any rebroadcast, republication, or reposting of an entry on The Missouri Expatriate on any online Web site (be it another blog, audio/video Web stream, message board, newsgroup, etc.) WILL REQUIRE a link to the entry where the excerpt, audio clip, or entire entry is posted. Notice should be formally sent, either by commenting on the entry or sending an e-mail to kyle at hillonline dot net, indicating where you are posting this information. If you are using a sound clip, you may host a separate version on your Web site to preserve bandwidth.
5. Reciprocal good-faith effort
The Missouri Expatriate aims to provide original commentary and reporting in all entries, and subsequently will link to and cite all articles mentioned. Notice of usage is requested as to keep tabs on where content is being used. No royalties, trade-outs, etc., are required, except a mention of the blog's URL address as it remains important to give credit where credit is due.
6. Amendments
Amendments to this policy will be made in this thread and may not come with any notice. Changes will not be retroactive to prior usage.
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