21 October 2009

Shull & Moriarty wish they thought of this…

While nepotism has been frowned upon in US Politics, and its practitioners scolded in some states, efforts to shun it in the UK are causing some MPs to find ways around new rules proposed by an in-house auditor.

This morning, BBC South East reported that Susan Gale, who has worked in her husband Roger's Parliament office since his election from North Thanet (surrounding Margate in easternmost Kent) in 1983, has written to an employment solicitors agency looking for advice on how to keep her job should rules make it illegal for MPs to hire family members for their offices. Reportedly, she says that she would either have to divorce her husband to remain at the job or become unemployed.

A statement of that nature would get the "Really?" treatment from Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update. While I'm half-tempted to come up with one bordering on half-researched ad hominems, I'll concede to the master Seth Myers. After all, he'd execute such a rant much better and be surrounded by an audience already laughing uncontrollably just after midnight.

If the Gales are serious about divorce for the sake of keeping her on the gravy train in the midst of a recession, as oppose to coming up with a budget like most of Middle England, this would perhaps be the first instance of a sham divorce in modern history. No one's going to believe there was a lack of love or irreconcilable differences. Especially if such a divorce was genuine, in which case where was the love to begin with?

This duo have been a steady force for the Tories in East Kent, claiming the seat when it was established in 1983 over a last-minute campaign by Cherie Booth, who wound up in 10 Downing a decade later as Mrs. Blair. But with public distrust down to a point where Average Joe voters are threatening to vote for the reactionary BNP just to send a message, no seat is safe. To publicly say something of this sort shows a complete disregard for the people's interests in Parliament. To say you would go so far as to discard participation in a noble institution like marriage just to keep feeding at the public trough shows complete callousness and lack of concern for proper use of the taxpayer's money.

It's bizarre loophole exploitations like this that make taxpayers angry as hell. At least it's nice to know that Peggy Shull & Judy Moriarty didn't think of this when they helped their kids out 15 years ago.

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