21 January 2010

Yes, I'm noticing the patterns

As I'm getting everything sorted on my first full day back in the terra cognita of Northern Missouri, I'm keeping up with the Republican responses to Governor Nixon's State of the State address, which he began delivering as my flight was touching down at KCI. And I've noticed two things that are worrying me:
  1. There are two responses, each being utilized by more than one state legislator. One is a prose version of the formal response delivered by Lt. Governor Peter Kinder, the other is a more condensed response. Already I've uploaded two missives which are near-identical repeats either.

    And yes, that's how it's going to be. Missives from Missouri desires to publish every weekly column and news release, and to do so with each legislator's full knowledge of it rather than invoking the Sunshine Law. If they're same, it's the legislators' prerogative, just as it is your prerogative to cast a vote for them or someone else.
  2. Numbers of missives being published are disproportionately Republican. Again, it's just how it goes. Simply, more GOP reps & senators have availed themselves of the opportunity to have their missives published on Missives from Missouri than their Democratic counterparts. Ideally, I'd like 100% participation from both sides of the aisle.
Meanwhile, it's too quiet here. Could use a station for a high-speed train service. And some chicken jalfrezi. And two from the top and four from anywhere else to reach a target of 629.

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